01 May 2012

t-minus 10 more days

the semester is rapidly coming to a close, and once again i find myself wishing my professors hadn't waited until the last minute to assign massive amounts of work. why do they do that? because that's what they do in movies, so everyone assumes it should be so? it would be much better for everyone if things were more spread out.

anyway.. no point in harping on things i can't control, so i have to work with the cards i've been dealt. i really should be sleeping, seeing as i've got a ton of work ahead of me again for tomorrow both in class and homework afterwards. you can tell it's around finals time because i've got various projects of all typed strewn all over my usual workplaces at home. i've got a textiles project drying in the kitchen, hanging from a beam in the doorway. my ceramics projects are all stacked up in the living room, waiting to be painted (along with my actual paintings from painting studio class).

this weekend was dedicated to curating & hanging the student show at school, for which i was extremely happy to have help from my family & a few friends. it's sad how few people care about helping out. of course, everyone wants their work in the show but no one's willing to do the dirty work of setting everything up.

assuming everything works out (since my dad getting laid off a week ago has been no picnic) & i can come back to school in the summer & next semester, these are the classes i've got lined up for myself:

looks like another busy semester is headed my way... hopefully.

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