23 January 2012


first artistic venture of the semester! my painting professor suggested we paint on cardboard for our first project, which could be anything we wanted as far as the subject matter goes (& it didn't really even have to be on cardboard.. he said to only do it if we wanted to do so). his idea was to do a painting on something really cheap & disposable so we wouldn't get attached to our work.. buuuut i don't think it's working, haha. i'm pretty pleased with how this is coming out. i'll post more head-on photos so it doesn't look as skewed later on down the road.

unfortunately, i'm working on my kitchen floor. my ~studio is still being used as storage, & the floor in there isn't even visible. oi. i've got some work ahead of me.

i've been painting to this song all night. i'm not one for rap, but epik high is always one of the few exceptions.

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